22 October 2007
How Does Any Of This (The Philosophy Of Liberty) Apply To The Real World?
(For those that don't know, I'm responding to Dr. Ben's question on the 27 September post comment page. I've given a general answer to a general question, as I did with the other excellent questions, but I'd love to try and answer more specific ones. Thank you again Dr. Ben.)
Ahem, how does any of this apply to the real world? A lot of us living in the real world subscribe to the philosophy of liberty. A lot of us, like me, advocate liberty, and a few of us, the Free State Project I think is the most promising example, are acting on their convictions. Don't be too surprised to find that I'm not the only freedom nut out here. I see the message of liberty resonating with young people and the forward-looking internet culture. Ron Paul kicks ASS on the internet.
Liberty is here now in dribs and drabs. Liberty was the cornerstone of the early American republic, and you should know what it really means. (The Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution had radical new ideas.)
Here's another take on the question. Ending the War On Drugs, the War On Poverty, reducing spending, cutting taxes; these goals are all in keeping with the philosophy of liberty, each on its own proves beneficial, and each is achievable.
I guess that's all I have to say about it right now. The coffee I drank earlier is making me anxious.
You have hit the mark. In it something is also to me it seems it is very good idea. Completely with you I will agree.